Sophia Loren still has feelings about that iconic side-eye to Jayne Mansfield

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Monday, May 13, 2024

Everyone knows the iconic photograph of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield, taken 57 years ago. Sophia was just becoming an international star and Jayne Mansfield was seen by many as a budget Marilyn Monroe. Jayne was a fun lady, though, and that night – the night of the iconic photograph – Jayne was trying to steal some attention away from Sophia. When Jayne sat down beside Sophia and Jayne’s breasts almost came tumbling out of her low-cut dress, Sophia threw one of the best side-eyes in history. There was horror, amusement and anger in that side-eye. It was great. And Sophia spoke to Entertainment Weekly about that iconic photo:

All these years later, Loren spoke to EW on the phone from her home in Switzerland. In the days before the AFI Fest’s tribute to her and the release of her memoir Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: My Life, 80-year-old Loren shares the story behind the stink eye.

EW: This photo was taken when you were still very new to Hollywood.
Yes, Paramount had organized a party for me. All of cinema was there, it was incredible. And then comes in Jayne Mansfield, the last one to come. For me, that was when it got amazing.

What did she do when she got there?
She came right for my table. She knew everyone was watching. She sat down. And now, she was barely… Listen. Look at the picture. Where are my eyes? I’m staring at her nipples because I am afraid they are about to come onto my plate. In my face you can see the fear. I’m so frightened that everything in her dress is going to blow—BOOM!—and spill all over the table.

I’ve seen other photos from that same moment when you’re laughing and more light-hearted.
No, no. Well, there may be other photos, but this is the picture. This is the one that shows how it was. This is the only picture.

Can you remember the last time you saw it?
Actually, many, many times I am given this photo to autograph it. And I never do. I don’t want to have anything to do with that. And also out of respect for Jayne Mansfield because she’s not with us anymore.

[From Entertainment Weekly]

I remember reading an interview with Sophia at one point where she claimed that she was genuinely upset that Jayne had come in and made the evening all about her breasts. I guess Sophia isn’t so upset at this point. I love that she says “For me, that was when it got amazing.” And of course, Sophia never autographs that photo. Because it’s just too “amazing,” right?

Honestly, though, I’ve heard that Jayne was actually a pretty lovely person. Mariska Hargitay – Jayne’s daughter – always talks about how Jayne was a great mom and that her parents just adored each other.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty, Fame/Flynet.
